Foundation Repair
Frequently Asked Questions

Get answers to the most commonly asked questions from the experts at Bedrock Foundation Repair

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1: Do I have to repair my foundation before I can sell my home?

There are latent defect disclosure laws that prohibit a homeowner from patching up cracks to cover a foundation problem and selling it to an unknowing buyer. Most mortgage companies will not issue a loan on a house to be purchased unless the foundation is repaired. The only exception would be a cash buyer who is willing to accept the house “as is.”

2: Does insurance cover the cost of foundation repair?

Most standard homeowner insurance policies state that they will cover foundation damage only if it is the result of a plumbing leak. So it is possible to get some assistance. However, if there is not a leak, you are usually on your own.

3: How do I know if I have a foundation problem?

A lot of the common signs of problems are listed in the “Signs of Foundation Problem” section. However, the best way to know for sure is to have one of our foundation estimators check it out for you. If you don’t have a problem, they’ll tell you the truth. If you have a problem, they will guide you on what to do.

4: I was told that if I have standing water in my yard it might cause a foundation problem. Is this true?

Drainage problems are the number one cause of foundation problems. Bedrock specializes in drainage improvements, including waterproofing, french drains, surface drains, catch basins, gutter downspout extensions, and sump pits with float-activated pumps.

5: Is there a better time of year to do foundation work?

Bedrock works year-round and there is not really a difference as to when the work can be done. The only time we don’t work is during heavy rain, due to respect for our employees.

6: There are so many pier types on the market, how do I know which one is best for my home?

There are so many pier types on the market, how do I know which one is best for my home? There is no absolute right or wrong when if comes to pier types. There are differing opinions among good companies, however, one thing is clear: There is a chance of failure unless the pier is anchored in rock. We make our recommendations on a particular pier type based on several factors, including: cost, depth to rock, weight of the house and previous experience in your neighborhood and soil conditions in your area. Bedrock has a pier type to fit every need and budget.

7: What happens if I don’t fix my foundation?

Possibly nothing. On the other hand, it could continue to settle, causing a number of other problems. The most severe problems are these: &Mac183; Pulling on the roofline, which can cause roof leaks. &Mac183; Settlement of the foundation at ground level, which can cause plumbing damage, including separated sewer lines and breaks in water lines.

8: What happens if I repair my foundation and it settles again?

Every pier Bedrock offers is fully adjustable. Therefore, if you choose a less expensive pier and it settles, we can adjust it for you.

9: What is this Torpedo Pier I’ve been hearing about?

The Torpedo Pier is Bedrock’s own patented steel pier system that allows a pier to be drilled to rock, up to 90 feet deep. Unlike many systems claiming to “drive to rock” our limited-access drilling machine actually drills to rock, a claim no other company can make.

10: Will I loose my shrubs, flowers or grass in the process of getting the work done?

Foundation repair is a messy job, and we will do everything within reason to leave your lawn as close to the way we found it as possible. However, transplanting plants sometimes means the plants may not survive the stress of being dug up. We will work closely with the homeowner to address any concerns you may have about your lawn or landscaping.